Many industries have experienced difficulty during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The hospitality industry especially. 

From capacity-related limitations to the reality that many still fear being out in public, the drop in traffic to restaurants, weddings, and pretty much anything hospitality-related, has been staggering. 

But because of this we’ve also seen some cool safety innovations become more common.

Our hope is by highlighting these innovations it gets organizations in the hospitality industry to consider how they must adapt, especially as the weather continues to cool. 

Here are 3 incredibly unique ways that commercial fabric products might just be saving the industry this Fall.

More intentional vestibule design. 

We talked about seasonal vestibules on our blog last month, but it’s important to bring up again how these vestibules are aiding in organizational safety. Although they provide protection from the outdoor elements, keep your building up to code, and are another way to promote your brand, they are also a fantastic way to make sure that you’re protecting your employees and guests from unwanted germs and viruses entering your building. One unique way we’ve seen vestibules used is as “screening checkpoints.” With the proper design, not only can these vestibules provide warm shelter for your guest, but also appropriate barriers for COVID-19 screening and checking of an individual’s temperature prior to letting anyone inside. 

Proper installation of sneeze guards. 

For the hospitality industry sneeze guards are becoming more and more common, and we don’t see them going anywhere anytime soon. These guards are designed to protect against respiratory droplet contamination that comes from sneezing, coughing, talking, and the like. As it is with most hospitality-focused organizations, many times events are based around food and drink. With guests needing to remove their masks to partake in these activities, proper installation of sneeze guards is critical. A few places for organizations to consider sneeze guards include at the host or check in table, between tables and booths where people will eat or drink, and near areas where food is commonly passed. 

Making a statement with enclosures & patio tents. 

Many organizations have survived, and even thrived because of their outdoor seating this Summer. But, as we head towards winter, those tables being a less viable solution. Because of this, it’s important that organizations consider making a statement with enclosures and patio tents. Whether you’re installing canvas walls & windows or building unique tents for each seating area, these solutions can help keep your capacity opportunities at a place of profitability; even during the coldest months of the year. 

The hospitality industry is heading towards a tough season, especially if indoor capacity is still limited. 

Give our team a call if you’d like to learn more about some of the unique ways commercial fabric products might just save your hospitality business this winter. 

-Canvas Craft
